Thursday, November 10, 2011

Sneaking rake animation playblast

A quick playblast of an animation I am working on using the Norman rig.

Setting up a maquette

Setting up a maquette in ZBrush. Started off with ZSpheres, then converted to a polymesh and began tweaking it a bit more to a more female form.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Rigging with CAT in 3DS Max

Just starting to scratch the surface with 3DS Max, looking at rigging and animation with CAT (Character Animation Toolkit). The navigation takes getting used to; accustomed to Maya's interface. I love how Max crashes whenever you press a wrong button; it is like touching a hot stove. Eventually you learn not to press whatever incorrect button.

So I have the medic character from Team Fortress and using CAT, went about making a rig for him. On a more serious note, the system will mirror over multiple arms/legs/etc that is made as long as you have your rig sitting on the axis, which was nice.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Background and Environment

All of the assets for the insane asylum environment. The wheelchair has been updated with an alpha map, but it still is not quite where I would have liked for the wheels.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Wallpaper border

Made a wallpaper border for a children's room. The original image was slightly crooked and the color went through a gradient so a few areas had to be redrawn to make it tile properly.

Original image
Tileable image

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Simple skydome

Looked at this video on how to make a simple skydome and brought it into UDK. CGTextures has a lot of good panorama images to choose from that will get the job done.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Various maps [part 1]

The models are starting to come together with all of the maps. Here are the first few:

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Bookshelf meets UDK

Bookshelf UV'd and textured, check. Ready to drop in UDK.

Insane asylum assets in progress pt 2



 Models done. Next up: UVs and texturing.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Insane asylum assets in progress

First focused on modeling; texturing will come next. Bookshelf, wind-up monkey toy, sink, and toilet.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Insane Asylum reference sheets

Reference sheets for a few assets for an insane asylum. Pulled a good bit of diagram images; they make it easier to understand how some of the more complex objects are put together.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Creature fusion

I went back in and worked up more of the nostrils and shifted the eyes to make the head more horse-like, but brought in the snout more with a softer angle on the nose to make it more human-like.

Creature fusion work in progress

Work in progress of a sculpt, a mixture of me and a creature. I wasn't sure how I would resemblence with me and the creature, so I went with a horse.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Fearscape Zombie retopped

The first time around, the retop had edge loops that went awry. Here it is retopped with proper edge loops in place.

Concept from Schell Sculpture Studio.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Fearscape WIP II

Changed the material to see the the lighting better as I work out the wrinkles.

Concept from Schell Sculpture Studio.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Fearscape zombie WIP

Work in progress on a bust inspired by one of many sculptures viewable on Jordu Schell's site, Schell Sculpture Studio.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Anatomy study

I took a basemesh from Mudbox and sculpted on it in ZBrush.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Creature bust WIP

Took a base head in ZBrush and moved around the mesh to get a feel for the eye placement and head shape. Then went to Maya to put in a tongue, eyes, and open the mouth. Level one mesh ready to send back to ZBrush.