Thursday, June 16, 2011

Creature fusion

I went back in and worked up more of the nostrils and shifted the eyes to make the head more horse-like, but brought in the snout more with a softer angle on the nose to make it more human-like.

Creature fusion work in progress

Work in progress of a sculpt, a mixture of me and a creature. I wasn't sure how I would resemblence with me and the creature, so I went with a horse.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Fearscape Zombie retopped

The first time around, the retop had edge loops that went awry. Here it is retopped with proper edge loops in place.

Concept from Schell Sculpture Studio.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Fearscape WIP II

Changed the material to see the the lighting better as I work out the wrinkles.

Concept from Schell Sculpture Studio.